Indian Society For Technical Education (ISTE)

The Indian Society for Technical Education

ISTE is a national, professional, non-profit making Society registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. First started in 1941 as the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions (APTI), it was converted into “Indian Society for Technical Education” in 1968 with a view to enlarge its activities to advance the cause of technological education in the country. ISTE has an Executive Council at National level. It has an active membership of more than 97286 technical teachers, 5,66,466 student members, more than 2345 institutional members (including IITs, IISc.., NITs and other leading technical institutions), 1166 faculty chapters and 1280 students’ chapters throughout the country. The major objective of the ISTE is to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industries and other organizations.


  1. To provide quality training programme for the students and faculty
  2. To update students’ knowledge and skill in the field of activity
  3. To develop better learning skill abilities among the students


  1. Student will showcase their knowledge in the field of working
  2. Students will gain the skill required to become industry ready
  3. Students will have better learning abilities

List of ISTE student and faculty co-ordinators

SNO Name of Faculty Department
1 Prof. D. W. Wajgi Comp. Engg.
2 Prof. Manish Bhadke Mech. Engg.
3 Prof. Hemalata Sahu Info. Tech.
4 Prof. Nilesh Mendhe Elect. Engg.
5 Prof. Kirti Vaidya Elct. & Telecom.
6 Prof. Satish Kene Civil Engg.
7 Dr. S. Nimbalkar First Year

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