Anti Ragging Cell

An Anti Ragging Cell has been formed for the Academic Year 2018-19. The Students are hereby informed that the following teaching faulty members are the part of Anti Ragging Cell. All the students should use the following contact numbers for any help.

Sr. No Faculty Name Department Designation Contact Nos
1 Prof. M .B. Gudadhe Computer Engg Coordinator  7722046601
2 Prof. R. N. Chakraboty Mechanical Engg. Member 9822693894
3 Prof.M. B. Mourya Electical Engg. Member 9422128327
4 Prof. S. Pathan Information & Technology Member 9421779307
5 Dr. M. M. Jachak First year Member 9049139756
6 Prof. H.V. Rajurjar Electronics & Telecomunication Member 9545953888