'Parent Teacher Interaction-2 ' - A.Y 2020-2021

Parent-Teacher Interaction-2, was organized by the Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities on Saturday 15th May, 2021, from 12noon onwards through the online platform of G-meet.

Agenda of the meeting was to make parents aware about the academic conduction of B.E. First Semester at SVPCET. Parents were communicated about the sessional scores of theory subjects and the Practice Test scheduled for their wards on the complete syllabus, this would be to acquaint them with the University exam pattern.

Parents were informed about adjournment of the First semester exam by RTMNU. Queries related to University online exam were addressed by faculty members, parents were suggested to keep themselves abreast on the updates shared with their wards from time to time.

Parents were content with the efforts taken by the Department for smooth conduction of academics. Co&Extracurricular activities for students were also conducted from time to time. In the Feedback Form parents recorded their words of appreciation as well as suggestions. In all, 235 parents attended the PTI.

Prof. Namrata Gore (Incharge BS&H), Prof. Prachi Pande (PTI Coordinator), Dr. Rajashree Anwane (Academic Coordinator), along with the BS&H team of faculty members coordinated to make this interaction a fruitful one.

No documents available.