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Resonance -2021
The Department of Information Technology, had organized a National level event ‘RESONANCE’ in association with the Computer Society of India from 14th to 20th June 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was conducted online. Keeping the tradition alive, blends of technical as well as non-technical events were conducted under the umbrella of Resonance, creating a platform for students to grow.
There were 3 major events under RESONANCE, 2 technical (CODE SMASHER and QUIZZEALS) and 1 non – technical.
- Code Smasher: consisting of programming, logical, and real-time application tests.
- Quizzeals: a technical quiz along with Group Discussion round.
- Funnosta: a fun event comprising of GK questions and riddles.
207 student participants from across India like Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Uttarakhand participated in this event.
There were seven winners in all-
Code Smasher: Winner: Miss. Vaishnavi Masurkar
Runner-up: Mr. Samyak Pachbhai
Quizzeals: Winner: Miss. Tanmayee Maski
1st Runner-up: Mr. Vishal Injewar
2nd Runner-up: Miss. Shefali Pandhare
Funnosta: Winner: Mr. Tanay Mukkawar
Runner-up: Mr. Rudraksh Tumane
Participants were overjoyed and enthusiastically looked forward to more such events in future. The event was coordinated under the guidance of Prof. Vikas Bhowate, and a team of faculty members and students.