Taking Care of Hypertension at Home

An expert talk on “Taking Care of Hypertension at Home” was organized by the Suggestion and Grievance Cell of the College for all staff members (both Teaching & Non-Teaching) on 2nd November, 2020, from 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm.

Dr. Hitendra Bhagwatkar, MD-MED, DNB- Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, deliberated   on the Diagnosis of Hypertension- important determinants of treatment and medication, how to deal with BP fluctuations, the causes of fluctuations, how to calculate healthy weight and keep stress at bay, eating habits, tips to monitor glucose level at home, etc.

Those present, 38 in number, appreciated the seminar. The organizing team thank the Management for their continuous support in organizing such sessions.

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